On the second Tuesday of each month we have an Activity Day, this may be a field trip to a place which has a strong photographic interest or perhaps a project of common interest. A different topic each month will be chosen, this may relate to the field trip or not. The places visited on field trips are all within a one hour car drive. The exchange of information and pictures taken both on the field trips and relating to the topic will be openly discussed during our coffee morning.This enables the members to enhance their skills and knowledge, covering all standards from someone with their first camera to others who have many years of experience behind them. We are a friendly crowd who welcome anyone with an interest in photography and we look forward to meeting you.​
Share Your Passion
Once you attend one of our field trips, we know you will be coming back time and time again,they are a wonderful experience you will not want to miss, and a great way to get to know other members of the Club.
Month: Topic Location
January: Trees. Museum Baron de Beniayo Palace, San Pedro del Pinatar.
February: Architecture. Cancelled
March: Bridges. Museo de San Javier
April: Transport. Nature Reserve, La Hita, Los Alcazares
May: Reflections. Los Nietos Train to Cartagena
June: Derelict Buildings. Rio Seco, Campoverde
July: Arches. La Chapa Battery, Portman
August: Chimneys. No Activity
September: Road Lights at Night. Cabeza Cordo
October: City Life. Puerto Marina de las Salinas
November: Cloud Formation. Roman Amphitheater, Catagena
December: Rivers. Xmas Lunch
Club Guidelines
By November each year it would be appreciated if members could suggest competition topics & trip ideas for the next year which will then be used in the selection process.
At the AGM the topics for the following year will be confirmed, these are fixed for the year.
So please ensure you plan for the topics and utilise any seasonal changes to maximise your opportunities.
Photos can be taken within any month up to and including the month of the competion (e.g Photos for November's competition can be taken in January - November) they do not need to be taken in the month of the competition. As a consequence the topics once selected won't change as photographs may already have been taken.
Any subject potentially affected by seasonality will try to be allocated to an appropriate month when selecting it for a competition.
Photo’s submitted for the competition must be taken in the 12 months following the selection process.
Members are allowed to submit two photo’s in the monthly topic folder of our members shared gallery (spaces app or website)
Members should vote (like) for ONLY ONE of another members photo which they like the most.
All submissions are to be posted the day before the end of the month or earlier
All votes ( likes) MUST be cast on the LAST day of the month once all entries are submitted. The photo with most likes will be announced on the first of the next month. The successful photo will be placed on our website carousel
The website carousel will be refreshed each year
Each month a trip will be planned, unlike the competion topics, these may change dependant upon local circumstances. (Weather, location unexpected closed etc.) But the club will try to maintain the original choices
Photos taken during the trip day may be posted on our shared gallery (app or website) in the appropriate folder & also be used in the appropriate competition if you wish. Obviously don't post any photo you intend to use in a competition.
The amount of trip photo’s is restricted to two per member with a maximum size of 1mb each.